Sunday, May 06, 2007

WDCC: "Spinning A Spellbinding Story"

This is one HUGE piece! Its 12 inches high and 10 inches wide! (surely the heaviest piece i have seen or own).
This is the 4th piece in my collection by one my fav. sculptors, Dusty Horner, the same guy who did "Trust In Me" and "You So Totally Rock,Squirt!".
The 3 mesmerized mermaids on the(amazingly well sculpted) rock in the middle of the Mermaid Lagoon are focussed on Pan and his yarns. The way the characters are posed , ur eyes are immediately drawn to Pan and his hand pointing out at into the open space and kinda makes the world at large a part of the sculpture. Which i think is very apt, considering the moment captured here is about Peter and his adventures and stories out there, in lands and with people the mermaids from the Lagoon will never really experience themselves, but only through his stories.

1 comment:

  1. I really really lurv your lurv for collections!

    Didju leave behind in bombay the ironman tie? Didju, didju?
