And yes..in this movie Bees CAN sue humans! I know its cartoon and all, but i could believe a rat wanting to be chef, but i could not buy into this bee suing humans business.
Jerry Seinfeld(Barry the bee) and Rene Renée Zellweger's(human florist)character don't really have too much of a chemistry either.A very under developed relationship.And how many animated movies have John Goodman and Patrick Warburton been in, in the last decade? Anyone counting?Can we shake things up a bit?!?
The whole movie just seems to be a platform from which Jerry Seinfeld can keep doing his comedy routine at 3244 words per minute.
The animation is ok.The designs are far more appealing than resent Dreamworks movies.
Though again i don't get the reason why Dreamwork's animated worlds have to be SO humanized.
Why do bees need hairdos?glasses?ties?cars and stairs to move around (though they do kinda try and justify this last issue, but didn't work for me)?
Remy(Pixar's Rataouille) never wore sewer boots,Nemo(Pixar's Finding Nemo) & his dad used the EAC ocean currents to transport and NOT an EAC Walkway belt or escalator!!
I just wish Dreamworks would respect the integrity of the world they try to create to make it more believable.
The movie wasn't bad, but just ok.Yet another forgettable animated movie!I laughed a few times.Thats about it.The plot is pretty thin and silly and extremely in-consequential.
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