People have been going on about how long and complicated and confusing it is...though i can see why they would say that, it dont stop me form endorsing this film.
This one is deffinately darker and has some cool swashbuckling Sp FX as usual. I thought the escape from Davy Jones' Locker and the Maelstrom battle was quite creative and cool.
Now days when all franchises are being milked to death with one sequel after another,i think its not a bad when the worst critisizm for this 3rd installment in this very "Original" franchise is that it has way TOO many ideas which havnt been devloped to their best possibities.
Honestly am sick of seeing bad super hero movies and the sorts.They rely on the built in fan base for a big opening and special effects with no real idea/story at the core.Summer movies dont have to be like that.
SO u can understand my preference for a film with too many(though not fully capitalised on) ideas over the former.
The probelm (i feel)with the last 2 Pirate films seems to be that they were rushed.Rushed to meet release dates and much of the story evolved on the fly.
Though this Trilogy is now over, if there r to be more POTC movies, i hope the writers get the time to hammer out some really well thought out scripts.These 2 writers seem capable and creative enough in my opinion.
SO far they have created a coolworld with very interesting and fresh mythology /characters, & i coudl really see future POTC movies being really terrific adventure movies if done the right way!
In a nut shell,after investing in 2 Pirate movies, the concluding part was a promise well kept.I was entertained and was very satisfied with the resolution.
And yes..do stick around till the end of the End Credits, for a short scene which works as a very nice book-end to the very first scene of the very first POTC.Its really amazing how that 2 min shot alone, kinda makes it clear who the whole trilogy was about.
Perfect end to this 3 part story.
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