Considering the genre it belongs to...i think its the best "Summer film" of this summer over the impossible missions and super heroes.
I LOVED the designs & the effects on Davy Jones & his crew! So far best VFX of the year goes to ILM for this!
Some real cool landscapes...& it sure "LOOKED" like it was all REALLY shot on location in the Bahamas and not copy pasted a mountain from New Zealand , a river Europe & the sky from Timbuktoo, and i think keeping it REAL like that,does make a difference.
The best part i like about this this franchise is that its not based on existing & over exploited source materials .And its refreshing to a see a whole new world and charcters being created.
Granted its based on Walt Disney/Marc Davis and other Imagineer's work...but that hardly counts when we compare it to most of the source materials of other franchises.
Besides the Theme Park attraction did not offern much in terms of story and charcter.
I wish more studios and writers put on tehir thinking caps & try and give us more original stuff.
They dont have to be perfect, but it would be nice to see what New stuff people can come up with.Just cause its based on existing material, does not mean its gonan be great (referring to most of teh summer movies of this year or any other year for that matter).
Am not crazy about the cliffhanger ending...though i was pleasantly surprised & excited to see that an older character re-introduced in the end & look forward to seeing him in POTC 3: World's End, May 2007!
Love Johnny Depp. He religiously avoids being typecast and does a great job each time. I'm yet to see a bad movie with him in it.