Sorry for the lack of more updates! Been awfully busy with school, that should change soon!...however have some new pics here that i took. Its my new-est WDCC sculpture from The Jungle Book featuring Mowgli and Kaa! Inspiring...aint it?
I liked it!!! Visually stunning! Cool soundtrack....bucket loads of heart (yes inspite of it being about talking CARS!). The best animated movie of the year so far, and possibly one of the best movies of the year too. A bit too long maybe...could have been 15 mins shorter or so but since u genuinely end up feeling for the characters and their predicaments...i can seem to forgive that. Though i do think the "PIXAR FORMULA" is begining to show now...maybe TOO clearly!...and i think this is the perfect time for them to wake up to that and shake things up a bit before it does them in and thats is in terms of their story telling devices as well as their visual style. But i am glad to get a break from yet ANOTHER animated movie with cute CG animals! Monsters Inc Still remains my fav.Pixar movie and Bugs's Life my least. "Cars" probably fits somewhere right in the centre of that scale. So irrespective of the box office returns...those who keeping score...PIXAR is still 7 for 7 in my books...though i wont add "and going strong"!
Currently busy working away on finshing my model and rigging my main character from "Blvd.Efil".That also happens to be the most challenging stage for me in this CG animation pipeline.Hopefully will have somehting to share from it real soon.
Till then here is a rough composite of a scene from "Moments" without shadows,CC etc etc....have to finish this soon too!! much to do!
BUT...none the less am gonna make it to the theatres to see CARS today! assured,will post my 2 cents after! :-)
I was rescently gifted a membership to the Walt Disney Collector's Society by my cousin! And this sculpture came with i was just having fun takinng pics of it!!!?!lol
I know it look sliek i have a lot of time on my hands...doesn't it?
Rough animation line test for this farewell seen where the little girl gets a gift from the old man.This scene was one hell of a long scene and hats off to Yogesh and Nilesh who worked on it and coloured (and re-coloured) every frame by hand with pastels!!!